Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Whenua to Whenua: Plant Mat Weaving Wānanga / Workshop / Working Bee

Monday, September 9th, 2024

Whenua to Whenua: Plant Mat Weaving Wānanga / Workshop / Working Bee

9.30am-4pm Saturday 28 – 10am-3pm Sunday 29 September.

Ngāti Moki Marae.

Join us in preparing harakeke plant mats, from harvesting to installation.

Utilizing and repurposing harakeke trimmings, the mats will allow easier and faster maintenance and scrub cutting around new plantings, reduce the risk of damaging new plants, and slow the weed and grass growth. They are easy to make, enabling whānau of all ages and skill to participate. Staff will guide whānau through harvest and weaving tikanga, in a safe, supportive, and fun environment.

Lunch will be provided.

Marae is available for whānau who wish to stay the night.

What to bring: Sturdy footwear, warm clothing. If staying overnight: toiletries, bedding, clothing, kai etc.

RSPV by Weds 25 September 2024 to


Directors’ Appointment Panel Expressions of Interest

Monday, May 27th, 2024

We have an exciting and important opportunity for whānau.

We are calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) from whānau who want to be considered for our Transitional Appointments Panel (Panel).

The role of this Panel will be to appoint the 6 directors of our new company, Taumutu Rūnanga Limited and help to develop the position descriptions for the directors.

This EOI is for up to three members to be on the panel and we anticipate that the Panel will be in place until our 2025 AGM.


To make a good panel member, you would ideally have the following qualities.

  • Puts what’s best for Hapū first
  • A good understanding of Te Taumutu Rūnanga and its core values of manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, kaitiakitanga, tikanga and rangatiratanga.
  • Understands how a board of directors’ functions and the role of a director.
  • Good written and oral communication skills – You will be required to draft position descriptions and other key document.

Please be aware that the positions are volunteer only (unpaid) and will require a good commitment of time from July to November.  You will meet as a panel, draft, and confirm documents, run an appointment process.  There is no secretarial support available to the panel and all members are expected to contribute evenly to the workload.


To be considered for this role you will need to provide the office with a covering letter and CV to before 8am Monday 17 June and present to the Rūnanga hui on 14 July.

At the Rūnanga hui, you will give a 5-minute kōrero about yourself and why you want to be considered for the Panel and answer any questions from whānau.

The Inc Soc Officers have been delegated the responsibility to appoint the panel members and will take into consideration the feedback of whānau in attendance at the hui. Your CV and covering letter will only be shared with the Inc Soc Officers.

To be considered for the Panel you:

  1. Must be a 5(a) member of Te Taumutu Rūnanga Inc Soc (Whakapapa to Ruahikihiki)
  2. Not a director or plan to put yourself forward to be a director of Taumutu Rūnanga Limited while the Transitional Panel is in place.
  3. Not a staff member of the Inc Soc or Taumutu Rūnanga Limited.

Update on Greenpark Huts

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024

Kia ora e te whānau,

Following on from recent hui with whānau leaseholders at Greenpark Huts, Te Taumutu Rūnanga supported by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu have made the decision that there will be a one-year extension to leases, giving an additional period to 30 June 2025 to allow for site clearance.

Representatives from Te Taumutu Rūnanga and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu have been meeting with leaseholders individually and will continue to do so. These conversations have been very useful in understanding leaseholders’ concerns regarding the transition process.

We acknowledge that more time is needed to ensure leaseholders are well-informed about their demolition options. In addition, some leaseholders will wish to take advantage of government agency support for their relocation, and the extension in time will assist with this.

When this whenua was returned to Ngāi Tahu under the Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act of 1998, it was transferred with the existing leases from the Crown. Under the lease conditions, each site was to only be occupied for up to 183 days each year for recreational purposes.

It is important that we make Te Waihora healthy for our mokopuna. Our decisions are guided by this fundamental desire to look after our lake and be responsible tīpuna.


Nāku noa, nā Dr Liz Brown,

Chairperson, Te Taumutu Rūnanga

Coastal Erosion Hui

Wednesday, March 13th, 2024
Last year we started talks with local government about what options there are for our coastline in response to SLR.
It’s time to take those discussion to the next step –
13:00 – 17:30
*There are limited spaces, please note that you must RSVP BY 27/03 –

Rulon Nutira Announced as Kaitorete Ranger

Monday, August 14th, 2023

We’re happy to share that Rulon Nutira (Ngāti Irakehu, Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki – Ngāi Tahu) has agreed to become our inaugural Kaitorete Ranger, starting on Monday 14 August, 2023.
As some of you know, Rulon joins Tāwhaki from Mahaanui Kurataiao Ltd, where he was an Environmental Cultural Monitor. Rulon is excited to join Tāwhaki and has expressed a deep personal
appreciation of our dual kaupapa, which brings together whenua rejuvenation and aerospace.

In applying for the role of Kaitorete Ranger, Rulon talked about the path laid out for him by his grandparents.

In days gone by, they would walk Kaitorete from Wairewa to Taumutu in pursuit of mahinga kai and whanaungatanga. In following in his grandparents’ footsteps, Rulon wants to fulfil a responsibility he feels to protect and restore Kaitorete for current and future generations.
Rulon brings valuable skills and experience to our Tāwhaki team. In his role at Mahaanui Kurataiao Ltd, Rulon worked on cultural monitoring, research, mapping, fish surveying and plant and bird identification to
understand the state of freshwater in the local takiwā. He also has extensive experience in the construction industry and is a former professional rugby league player, having played for New Zealand Māori and various teams in the NRL.

In his new role, he will report to Julian Phillips, Head of Whenua Planning and Rejuvenation, and work alongside Dy, Erana and the wider team to progress our mahi.
Nau mai, haere mai, Rulon!