Employment and Engagement Opportunities


Expressions Of Interest sought – Brookside Restoration Project with SDC

As Ngāi te Ruahikihiki whānau, we would like to invite you to submit an expression of interest in a fixed-term engagement position for a restoration project.

The Project

Selwyn District Council have been looking at options for developing an indigenous biodiversity planting site at Brookside on the banks of the Waiwhio Irwell River. Ideally, it will also be part of a wider catchment plan / associated actions for the Waiwhio. They would like to develop this project with tāngata whenua and it sits within the takiwā of Ngāi te Ruahikihiki.

Your Role

Hui/site visits –

Initially, 1 site visit and 1 hui will be required, with ongoing annual or biannual hui until the site is established (likely 5-6 years).

Time frame and length of commitment –

Initially 1 site visit and 1 hui within 2024, with up to 3 ongoing hui or site visits to check in and guide progress across the next 6 years.

Compensation –

Whānau will be compensated for engagement in this project.

Experience required* –

Ideally, the successful applicant would be able to provide cultural guidance around restoration planting, pā harakeke/rongoā planting, and archaeological/historical advice (there is anecdotal evidence of hāngī pits found on site).

*If you do not have sufficient experience in all areas of what is required, please don’t hesitate to apply. Depending on applicants received, we may consider multiple whānau input at different stages of the project and mentoring opportunities.

Applications will be reviewed by the Kaitiakitanga Portfolio.


Expressions of Interests due by: EOD 26th July 2024 to Faye at faye.white@ngaitahu.iwi.nz.


Expressions of Interest – Komiti Whakahaere – Muriwai o Whata Management Komiti Ngai Tahu Representative

Kia hiwa rā!

The Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu nomination and appointment process is being undertaken to appoint a new Ngāi Tahu representative to the Komiti Whakahaere – Muriwai o Whata Management Komiti.

Purpose of the role The purpose of this role is to represent the Ngāi Tahu perspective to the Muriwai o Whata Management Komiti ensuring that any issues of tribal significance are reported to Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu while also ensuring that tribal matters of significance are represented to the Muriwai o Whata Management Komiti.

Number of roles available There is one position available.

Purpose of the Komiti

In April 2016 Te Taumutu Rūnanga and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu developed and endorsed a Management Plan for Muriwai – Te Mahere Whakahaere o Muriwai o Whata.

A key outcome of the Plan is the establishment of a Komiti Whakahaere – The Muriwai o Whata Komiti. The Komiti is to provide direction and co-ordination to implement the Management Plan and any pest control and restoration plans.

Komiti responsibilities. The Komiti’s primary responsibility is to provide management advice in relation to Muriwai, including the following:

  • Development and approval of an ‘Annual Work Programme’ and a ‘5-year Work Programme’ to implement the management plan;
  • Receive and consider information, including monitoring and research outcomes;
  • Determine monitoring, research and management priorities and actions;
  • Confirm the Annual work plan for implementing the management plan;
  • Review ongoing progress in completing the annual programme and other initiatives;
  • Identify and confirm sources of funding for proposed work;
  • Review health and safety risks and determine actions;
  • Review the effectiveness of the current management plan, policies and methods.

Meeting details

Hui will be held at least two per year or more or less frequently as required and agreed by the Komiti.

How to apply To apply for this position you will need to engage with Te Taumutu Rūnanga to complete the nomination and selection process.

For details on how to apply, assistance connecting with your Rūnanga or for further information please contact Caitlin at caitlin.baker-wanhalla@ngaitahu.iwi.nz. Nominations close 5pm, 9th August 2024

Formal notification will be sent to all nominees following a review and appointment process undertaken by Te Taumutu Rūnanga Appointments Komiti.

Nau mai, haere mai, tauti mai!


To see all opportunities with Ngāi Tahu, please head to: https://ngaitahu.iwi.nz/opportunities-and-resources/careers-2/work-for-us/