We are holding a wānanga to learn a little about raupō, sustainable harvesting and care of the resource. As with all our wānanga, its all about sharing our collective mātauranga. So, come prepared to share your kōrero with the whānau too.
We will be doing a harvest so we can give the raupō time to dry in anticipation of wānanga planned for later in the year and early 2021.
Jodi Cameron and Joe Wakefield, supported by some of the cousins, will help to guide us through this kaupapa.
What will you need?
Please note, as we will be in and around water we will need to make sure that all our tamariki are safe and have a responsible adult looking after them.
This wānanga is part of Te Whare Wānanga o Te Ruahikihiki, a project supported by Ngāi Tahu Fund.
For more information please contact Puamiria on puamiria.parata-goodall@ngaitahu.iwi.nz or on 021 233 1000.