Tamariki Day January 2021

Te Pā o Moki Gullivers Road, Taumutu, New Zealand

Our first Tamariki Day of 2021! For our Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki ki Taumutu whānau! We will be making and hopefully flying our manutukutuku - our traditional kites! We have been holding Tamariki Days for over 20 years now and the popularity of these days has grown, with our numbers of participating tamariki now sitting around […]

Wetlands Working Bee – Te Pā o Moki

Te Pā o Moki Gullivers Road, Taumutu, New Zealand

Kia ora e te whānau, A heads up for your brand new 2021 diaries (for those of us still doing ‘old school'), a marae/wetlands working bee is to be scheduled Saturday, 23 January 2021. Facilitated by Marae Manager, Katrina Martin, details will be confirmed closer to the date. Likely start time will be around 10am […]

Vaccine Pass Printing

Kia ora koutou, As the government continues to move forward with lifting restrictions, Te Taumutu Runanga office would like to support whanau by printing out vaccine passes. This service is available for 2 weeks Passes will be ready for collection from 12pm-2pm on Friday 3rd December to Sunday 5th December as well as the following […]

Rūnanga Hui and Church Service

Due to the current Covid-19 situation, our Rūnanga Hui will take place over Zoom from 11am to 12pm on Sunday 12 December. Anyone who asked to be on the last Zoom Rūnanga Hui will automatically be invited. If you also wish to attend this hui you will need to email Taumutu at Taumutu@ngaitahu.iwi.nz. Attendees will […]

Pānui and photos – Whakatau Whare, Oromairaki, 10 May 2022

OROMAIRAKI, the resonating sounds of the heavens.   Whatua kā aho o te whare Whiriwhiria, tuituia, kia tina. Weave together the strands of the house Weave them, bind them, and it is done. Under the watchful eye of Hineteiwiwa, the principal goddess of te whare pora, the weaving house, the house of creation, we had […]


Rolleston township celebrated the opening of the two new artificial fields at Foster Park on Friday 13 May 2022.  The artificial turfs were for hockey and football.,  Representatives of the Waikirikiri Hockey Club and Selwyn United Football Club spoke briefly at the ceremony, thanking Selwyn District Council and contractors for the dedication and hard work […]

Tamariki get involved in planting for Te Waikēkēwai restoration

Rolleston tamariki get involved in Te Taumutu Rūnanga’s planting project along Te Waikēkēwai Students from the Waitaha and Te Rōhutu Whio schools in Rolleston have been busy learning and actively improving the environment during Kids Discovery Plant-out days with Te Taumutu Rūnanga in Te Waihora catchment. During the fieldtrips, organised by the Whakaora Te Waikēkēwai […]


The Annual General Meeting for Te Taumutu Rūnanga Society Inc will be held at 10.00am, Sunday 18 September 2022 at Te Pa o Moki, Taumutu & via ZOOM. At the conclusion of the AGM, the September general meeting will commence. All enquiries, including a request for a ZOOM link to taumutu@ngaitahu.iwi.nz

Tamariki Day 13th October 2022

This is a great way for Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki ki Taumutu tamariki of all ages to get together, connect with whānau and spend some quality time at the Marae.

Rūnanga Hui

Due to the current Covid-19 situation, our Rūnanga Hui will take place over Zoom time TBC on Sunday 20 November. Anyone who asked to be on the last Zoom Rūnanga Hui will automatically be invited. If you also wish to attend this hui you will need to email Taumutu at Taumutu@ngaitahu.iwi.nz. Attendees will be sent […]